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Alubari Tea Garden: A Glimpse of Darjeeling Tea

Alubari Tea Garden
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Alubari Tea Garden, nestled in the picturesque hills of Darjeeling, is renowned for producing some of the finest Darjeeling tea. Its rich history, stunning natural surroundings, and commitment to quality make it a must-visit for tea enthusiasts.

History and Legacy

Established in 1856, Alubari Tea Garden is one of the oldest tea estates in Darjeeling. Its name, derived from the local word “Alu” meaning potato and “Bari” meaning farm, reflects its early days when potatoes were also cultivated on the estate. Over the years, Alubari has evolved into a premier tea estate, focusing solely on producing high-quality tea.

Location and Terroir

Alubari Tea Garden is situated at an elevation ranging from 1,300 to 2,000 meters above sea level, providing it with a unique microclimate ideal for tea cultivation. The estate covers approximately 1,200 acres of land, with around 450 acres dedicated to tea cultivation. The cool, misty weather, ample rainfall, and rich, loamy soil contribute to the distinct flavor profile of Alubari tea.

Tea Cultivation and Processing

Alubari Tea Garden primarily cultivates the Camellia sinensis var. sinensis and Camellia sinensis var. assamica tea bushes. The estate follows sustainable agricultural practices, ensuring the health of the soil and surrounding ecosystem. The tea leaves are carefully plucked by hand to maintain their integrity and flavor.

After harvesting, the leaves undergo a meticulous process of withering, rolling, oxidation, and drying to create the distinctive flavor and aroma that Alubari tea is known for. The estate produces a variety of teas, including black, green, and white teas, each with its own unique characteristics.

Quality and Certification

Alubari Tea Garden is known for its commitment to quality. The estate has received several certifications, including the Rainforest Alliance certification, which recognizes its efforts in environmental conservation and sustainable practices. Additionally, Alubari tea is certified by the Tea Board of India, ensuring that it meets the highest standards of quality and authenticity.

Visiting Alubari Tea Garden

For those interested in experiencing the beauty and charm of Alubari Tea Garden firsthand, the estate offers guided tours. Visitors can witness the tea-making process, from plucking to processing, and enjoy a tasting session to sample the estate’s exquisite teas. The lush greenery, fresh mountain air, and stunning views make a visit to Alubari a truly memorable experience.

FAQs about Alubari Tea Garden:

Is Alubari Tea Garden open to the public?

Yes, Alubari Tea Garden offers guided tours for visitors to explore the estate and learn about the tea-making process.

What types of tea are produced at Alubari Tea Garden?

Alubari Tea Garden produces a variety of teas, including black, green, and white teas, each with its own unique flavor profile.

Can I purchase Alubari tea online?

Yes, Alubari tea is available for purchase online through various retailers and the estate’s website.

Does Alubari Tea Garden follow sustainable practices?

Yes, Alubari Tea Garden is committed to sustainable agriculture and has received certifications such as the Rainforest Alliance certification.

Is Alubari Tea Garden part of any tea associations?

Yes, Alubari Tea Garden is a member of the Darjeeling Tea Association, which promotes and protects the interests of Darjeeling tea producers.

Alubari Tea Garden stands as a testament to the rich heritage and exceptional quality of Darjeeling tea garden. Its commitment to excellence and sustainable practices ensures that tea lovers around the world can continue to enjoy its exquisite teas for years to come.

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